Chicago Street Jam 2K19
Enjoy this quick gallery of the photos taken at the Chicago Street Jam 2019
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The group photo will never get old. Every year I need to show up with a wider lens. You can only as so many people to "back up" so far. I hope the squad is even bigger next year.

Grant Skate Park
If this rail didnt get thrown down on before the jam started I think it would be bad luck for the jam. On year the warm up sesh may move to a new part of the park but for now this holds up as the first spot to show what you've got.
Being a Chicago Local it is pretty funny when people come to town and the first thing they always say is "dude, we have to hit grant." We are 100% spoiled having this park, but i guarantee just cruising the streets and finding a few good spots is a lot more fun.
Also Grant is a lot more fun around Midnight. The nights I would hit up Jack Colston at 11 or 12 at night where the best seshes.

These last 7 photos were taken on a Medium Format Film Camera
1st Spot
Everything that happened at this spot was to be expected. Until Kirk, of course a Chicago Native, hits it the right way and kills the spot. Hell Yeah Kirk!

2nd Spot
Before the Jam I had actually never been to this spot. A lot of rail dancing occurred and hammers were landed. Also 2 young dudes collided and it looked like a couple of beyblades making contact for the first time.
My favorite skateboard trick of all time is a crazy dipped smith on a ledge or pool coping. That being said I dont think anyone can dip out of a hurricane more than Kaaden. That photo does not look physically possible.

War Memorial
Just going to put it out there. I did not think anyone was going to hit this spot. That water feature is so sketch I am surprised it ended up as a spot in the first place. A majority of the photos at this spot are my favorites from the whole day. I missed a few good shots because half the time I didn't want to see some get impaled by the fountain. So sorry if there was an epic moment that I missed.

These two photos were taken on a medium format film camera.
Final Spot
Under LSD (Lake Shore Drive) Near Olive Park
Not knowing what was going to happen I placed my self near the bottom of the stairs trying to keep my spot as all the helmet trolls began pushing forward and trying to stand in front of me. This spot stands out to me as being one of the more challenging spots in Chicago Street Jam history. This kind of spot isnt considered without considering who will be attending the Jam. The jam once was a time for all of us to get together and just ride the city but now it has become a show. I love what it has become. The sight of all the new riders blossoming is incredible. The sport is going through a generational switch and these sorts of events give the up and coming riders motivation and a place to prove themselves. Chicago's Jam has always been one of the biggest scootering events and though we all show up to see Reece hit a quad kink curved rail. It is really for all of us to get together and see each other.
We are all connected by a special bond that no one will ever understand.

These Last 5 Photos were taken on a Medium Format Film Camera.